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Kelvin Bias Tee K252, V252, W252MF, W252FM 252

Kelvin connection bias tee is designed for applications where both DC and RF signals are applied to the Device under Test (DUT) and precision DC measurements are required. A high resistance of the DC coil results in a voltage drop that leads to a DC biasing voltage error in the measurements. A Kelvin connection bias tee is used to eliminate DC biasing errors as the sense coil allows accurate measurement of the DC Voltage applied across the DUT. All Kelvin bias tee models are available with precision connectors. A male connector for the RF input and a female connector for the output is the standard interface for K252 and V252 bias tees. For 110 GHz bias tees, there are two options for the RF input and output. W252MF assigns a W1(m) RF input and a W1(f) output. For the W252FM, the RF input is W1(f) and the output is W1(m). An SMC connector is standard for DC bias and sense connections. For K and V Kelvin bias tees, RF in and output gender configurations can be ordered through factory.